
English Brain Trainer














まず、例として "Deteriorate" いう言葉があります。貴方の印象にはおそらくあまり残っていないこの言葉、知ってらっしゃる方もいるかもしれませんが、瞬時に取り出して使える言葉ではないですよね。すくなくとも私のブログの読者の皆さんの中には、この言葉を日常的に使っている人はまずいないと思います。スカイプのレッスンではないので残念ながら発音をお教えすることが出来ないのですが、発音はいったんよこにおきまして、ココでは進んでしまいます。



1.リンクワード エクセサイズ

まず、意味ですが、出来れば英英辞典で調べてほしいのですが、辞典で調べると diminish or impair in quality, character, or value と出て来ます。ちょっと余談ですが、英英辞典を持ってらっしゃらない方は http://www.dictionary.com で調べたい単語を調べてください。オンライ英英辞典です。diminish ってなんだ? うん? impair?となったら、その言葉も同時に英英辞典で調べます。

deteriorate とは日本語にしちゃいますが、質、価値が落ちるという意味です。ココからエクセサイズの始まりですが、あなたが”質、価値が落ちる”から連想される、英単語15個を、60秒以内に紙に書きだすことから始めます。




実は記憶も、一緒なんです。貴方の頭の中にも、すぐ取り出せるフォルダーとそうでないフォルダーがあると思ってください。よく使う。単語やボキャブラリーは、日本語でも簡単にアクセスしやすい場所にあるので、瞬間で使うことが出来る。”腹減った―” ”眠い” なんてよく使っている人は脳の意識野のデスクトップにそういう言葉が散らかっていてすぐ取り出せるのです(笑)

つまり、このエクセサイズはdeteriorateという言葉を、あなたの頭の意識野のデスクトップにコピーしているようなものなのですね。ちょっと分かってきました? deteriorate という言葉から連想される言葉は既に貴方の頭のデスクトップにあるという事です。すぐ取り出せる単語という事。もっと言ってしまえば会話の際使える単語という事ですね。もっともっと言うと、強く印象に残っている単語という事になります。その強い印象を持つ単語と、覚えなければいけない単語をリンクさせるので、私はこれを リンクワード エクセサイズとなずけました。

2.スピーディ- センテンスクリエーション

リンクワード エクセサイズを終えた後は、少し脳がつかれていますが、さらに追い打ちをかけるように、まさに脳の筋トレのように!次のエクセサイズを行います。その名もスピーディ- センテンスクリエーション。リンクワードエクセサイズで出てきた deteriorate を含む単語をつかって、センテンスを作っていきます。パラグラフでもいいですよ!言葉で概念を構築するトレーニングになります。文章を作るとはそういう事です。それがあなたの言語の表現力!





ご挨拶 - この英語講習について 音声あり 




Skype Exercise - The Secret of Reading Comprehension

The Secret of Reading Comprehension

As you knew already, your English teachers at Junior high schools taught English by Japanese language. You are obviously not trained in understanding English by English. Therefore, reading comprehension at Japanese public school would focus merely on English to Japanese translation. This is reason why many of you would not be able to read English written documents with a decent length.

This session is designed to change your mind-set, and let you attempt to interpret English written documents by English, rather than translating into Japanese in your mind. Through this training, you are able to learn:

a) How to read English in English
b) How to disassociate your brain with your Japanese while you are reading English documents
c) How to understand English words quickly and speed up your reading

Grammatical Difference between Japanese and English

As was reviewed briefly in the session II –grammatical review, you already knew that Japanese and English are grammatically different languages in terms of words orders.

English in general : Subject + Verbs + Objects + Explanatory Phrases (that, who which where).
Japanese in general : Subject + (Explanatory Phrases) + Objects + Verbs.

Obviously, the noticeable difference between those two languages is the location of verbs. In Japanese verbs are quite often located in the end of the sentence. This requires a very complex process in your mind especially when you first try to learn English in a proper manner, and requires additional time to process words and understand them.

Exercise 3.1
Please modify below Japanese sentences according with English sentence structure described above (S+V+O and explanatory phrases, if necessary)



Now, you are surprised of how difficult this exercise is, even though it is just a slight modification on grammatical rules of “Japanese”. You now noticed that you have to do the exactly same exercise every time you speak English in your mind, using English vocabularies. Therefore, this requires a decent amount of time for training.

Probably, the best way to let your brain accustomed to this exercise is do this exercise every time you say something in Japanese in your mind at your school or work or even with your families. I would like you to follow this exercise everyday throughout a year until you start to construct what you want to express in English in your mind.

How to read English in English

The same logic can be applied into fundamental techniques of English reading comprehension. Please skim through below. It is about the famous song called Hotel California.

#02 - "Hotel California" [1977] Eagles

The greatness of "Hotel California" lies in the wide range of interpretations the song has provoked over the years. Is it a metaphor for the music business, the mindless hedonism of California in the 1970s, Satan worship, Christian mysticism, drug addiction or simply excess in general? In an interview, Don Henley said the song was "our interpretation of the high life in Los Angeles." Drug references certainly abound throughout "Hotel California," including the word "colitas, which means "little bud" in Spanish. However, some critics say the whole song actually details a descent into heroin addiction. By the way, the image used on the album cover is actually the Beverly Hills Hotel. "There she stood in the doorway/I heard the mission bell/And I was thinking to myself/This could be Heaven or this could be Hell . . ."

Exercise 3.2
After perusing above the explanation about famous Eagles song “Hotel California”, make slash marks where you feel appropriate to understand sentences.

The greatness of "Hotel California"/ lies / in the wide range / of interpretations / the song / has provoked over the years /.
Is it a metaphor/ for the music business /, the mindless hedonism of California / in the 1970s /, Satan worship,/ Christian mysticism,/ drug addiction/ or simply excess / in general/? In an interview/, Don Henley said/ the song / was / "our interpretation of the high life/ in Los Angeles/." Drug references / certainly abound throughout /"Hotel California,"/ including the word "colitas,/ which means "little bud" / in Spanish./ However, some critics say /the whole song actually /details /a descent into heroin addiction/. By the way, / the image used / on the album cover / is actually the Beverly Hills Hotel./
"There she stood in the doorway / I heard the mission bell / And I was thinking to myself / This could be Heaven or this could be Hell . . ."

Here is another article which you want to make slash mark.
A new study in the peer-reviewed science journal “Remote Sensing” has found that United Nations computer models may be incorrect in overstating the amount of global warming that will occur in the future. James M. Taylor says it would be wise for the media, elected officials and climate scientists to recognize the “huge discrepancy” between global warming predictors and NASA’s satellite data.

Obviously, you would not memorize all words in a certain book when you read something in Japanese. When you read something 100 pages in Japanese, you would unconsciously wrap up the meaning of the paragraph and sometimes paraphrase them in order for you to read it forward.

Similarly, when you read a decent amount of English documents, you need to have an ability to paraphrase each paragraphs or pages so as to go on to the next page. Therefore, an ability to paraphrasing is critical skill when you read something in English. In this section, you would be also trained how to paraphrase English passage to passage precisely and quickly.

Example 1 – Politics

Two months into the job, Rumsfeld drafted a three page memo called “Guidelines When Considering Committing U.S. Forces.” He took the fourth revision to the president and went over it in detail.
It was a series of questions to be addressed: “Is a proposed action truly necessary? “ “Is the proposed action achievable?”

Rumsfeld argued for being clear eyed. One passage foreshadowed problems to come: “In fashioning a clear statement of the underpinning for action, avoid arguments. And he added “It is a great deal easier to get into something than it is to get out of it.

Answer Example


a. Rumsfeld drafted guideline for committing U.S. Force
b. The content is somewhat coercive with a lack of thorough planning and strategies

In the Guidelines when considering committing US forces. Rumsfeld made an effort to be persuasive toward the president with his aggressive manner in order for Bush to be responsive.

Example 2 – Internet

They set to work on the News Feed. “For the next eight months, it was our labor of love” said Cox, a tall, laconic and Stanford grad who had studied computer science, psychology and linguistics. The idea was audaciously ambitious: to write a set of software algorithms to dissect the information being produced by Facebook users, select the actions and profile changes that would be most interesting to their friends and then present them to those friends in reverse chronological order. It was the biggest technology challenge the company had ever faced.

Answer Example

Points :

a. Facebook news feeds required a special technology requiring a unique set of algorism
b. Algorism requires because of massive amount of information came from Facebook users

The functionality of Facebook News feed is the biggest technological challenges for the company, in which requires a set of complex programming algorithm how to represent in the Facebook about a modification of users information.

Exercise 3.3 – Economics
Paraphrase below paragraphs

The contingency theory of company behavior suggests that the optimal solutions to organizational problem are derived from matching the internal structure and processes of the firm with its external environment. However, the external environment is constantly changing as industrial markets become more complex, so that the optimum strategy for a firm will change as the prevailing environmental influence changes.

The result of this is that firms may not have a single goal such as the maximization of profits or sales, but will have to vary their goals and strategies as the environment changes around them. It has been argued by some economists that there may be as many as two thousand different strategic behavior patterns, depending on the nature the firm and its environment (Ansoff 1984)

In today’s rapidly changing world market it is not easy for a company to maintain one overall goal and the contingency theory helps us to understand why firms will not always be able to follow a single optimizing course through time.

Exercise 3.4 – Economics
The economic doctrine known as mercantilism appeared between the Middle Ages and the period of the triumph of laissez-faire. Mercantilism can be dated roughly from 1500 to 1776. These dates vary, however, in different countries and regions.

The historical Background of the Mercantilist School
The self sufficiency of the feudal community slowly gave way to the new system of merchant capitalism. Cities, which had been growing gradually during the Middle Ages, become increasingly important. Trade flourished both within each country and between countries, and the use of money expanded. The discovery of gold in the Western Hemisphere facilitated the growing volume of commerce and stimulated theorizing about precious metals. Great geographical discoveries, based in part on the development of navigation were extending the sphere of commerce. Production was small scale, but increasingly the merchant interceded between the producer and the consumers. Although they remained tradesmen in the eyes of the landed aristocracy, the merchant capitalist were becoming key figures in the world of business.

National states were rising, and the most powerful of them were acquiring colonies and spheres of influence. Economic rivalries between nations were intensified. It is not surprising then that a body of doctrine emerged which superseded feudal concepts, promoted nationalist gave new dignity and importance to the merchant, and justified a policy of economic and military expansion. This body of doctrine became the mercantilist school.

Doctrine : a particular principle, position or policy taught or advocated as of religion
Intercede : act or interpose on behalf of someone who has trouble or difficult to deal with
Laissez-faire: the theory of government that upholds the autonomous character of the economic order, believing that government should intervene as little as possible in the direction of economic affairs

Skype Exercise 1 Power up vocabularies

Skype Exercise 1 : Power up your vocabularies 

In this section, you will learn how to increase your English vocabularies in an effective way. Many of you learned English vocabularies with Japanese description, and you have memorized the meaning of English vocabularies by Japanese. I personally do not deny this approach, however, it is questionable that you could use those memorized words and idioms in a second when you really need. We knew for the fact that you know them, but you would not be able to use them.

Why? Stop reading the text and spend a few minutes to think why you would not be able to use them when you really need during a meeting, a telephone conversation or a socializing situation.

The answer is quite simple. It is because you did not learn them in English. Imagine the data stored in files in your laptop machine. You would probably to put frequently used files on desktop or in any folder which has a short cut, where you can easily access from. And you will store old unnecessary data files in different folders which is less frequently used, or otherwise you delete the file itself.

The human brain works exactly same way when you memorize something. Once your English has been studied in Japanese, your brain put them in the file which is not frequently used. It requires the extra time to find the information, and it is quite simple that you can imagine this is the direct cause that you would not be able to catch up with the speed of English conversation when you converse with foreigners. In order to use English terms and idioms in a timely manner, you need to relocate your folder which stored words memorized in Japanese into desktop screen and rewrite by English.

I will introduce the special and unique training named “Power Image Training” in order to connect your synapses and build vocabulary powers in English, not Japanese. For instance, think about the case that you see the term “deteriorate” in your tango-cho, and you want to memorize it. Your tango-cho indicates the Japanese meaning. That is fine. But, before you go on to the next words, I wants to suggest you to do following mental exercise with me.

a. Think of any ENGLISH words which is linked or imagined from the verb “deteriorate”. Try to think of any terms at least above fifteen. e.g., decay, relationship, economy, Japanese education, Japanese politics, global environment, customer relationship, ability, the checking function, finance, budget, plan, digestive function, malfunction, recession, deflation, ED, sexual desire, my schedule, structure, strategies, business plan…etc

This exercise will help you to put the term deteriorate onto the folder which is located in your desktop screen of your brain. Why?  Because those imaged terms are already on desktop. In other words, you can imagine some words, which automatically and successfully put new words on the desktop-you can use them anytime thereafter.

b. Next, you will use the term deteriorate and do sentence creation. e.g., The economy of Japan is now deteriorating. My liver function is now deteriorating due to excessive alcohol consumption. Our business relationship is deteriorated because of misunderstanding.

c. I let you to do this exercise for 20 words at once, and do roll plays to check whether or not those terms are really stored in the “frequently used” folders in your brain.

The empirical evidence shows that this exercise is very powerful and you can build up your English skills drastically during a very short period of time. The most essential part of this training is to practice with me who can teach you how to pronounce them. Through the training a to c, the I will give you hint how to pronounce them accurately.


Taka Hara

1997年、ペンシルバニアのドレクセル大学卒業後、フィラデルフィアにおいて米国最大の債権保険会社、MBIA社( Municipal Bond Insurance Association ) にて債権及び地方政府の税収に関する財務アナリストとして就職。



● 在米中、ベルアトランテック社の従業員に対して、フィラデルフィアのコミュニテ―カレッジにて統計学をTAとしてコーチング。

● 人類学者で交渉術の権威のジェニファービア博士(ペンシルバニア大学)とニュージャージー州カムデンに拠点を置く富士重工業(スバルの親会社)内の人種間問題の解決を目的としたクロスカルチュアルセミナーを行う。

● 現在経産省の役人、CAなど、英語を使う人たち5名の生徒に英語を英語のまま使えるようになるレクチャーを展開。

● 趣味は、ギターの弾き語り


英語 ブログランキングへ



[04/01 ごんた]
[04/01 ごんた]


Taka Hara


